Our factory trained service technicians are here to help.

If the situation would arise, we can assist you in maintaining or repairing your Ice House.

Below are documents provided for easy reference.

Contact us for assistance

Sanitation Inspection 

Ice House PLC Error Codes and remedies 

Instructions for Installing Secondary Ice Maker 

Ice House Installation Layout 

Artic Temp Ice maker trouble shooting guide 

Sterilight UV Silver Owner’s Manual 

Cashflow Series 7000 Quick Reference Card 

Cashflow 7512i Operation & Service Guide 

Token Teach: Screen Display – Button Response 

24 Volt MDB Wiring 

Setting the vend price using the IHA oem MBD box 

Tuning the old TRC 6800 coin mech 

TwinFlo100e Downflow Brining Service Manual 

TwinFlo100e Softener Settings 

Blower Time Setting 

Water Dispenser Trouble Shooting 

Pre-Start Inspection Document 

Pre-Start Inspection Check List – 1000LSM 

Pre-Start Inspection Check List – 5200LSM 

Arctic Temp warranty registration Card 

1000 LSM control settings (404A) 

Double Bagger Retro Instructions 

Double bagger inside hole cutout 

Double bagger outside hole cutout 

pictures ( Double bagger kit parts ) 

Mini XL – PLC Documentation 


Water Teller WV-3000 Manual 

Water Button Labels 

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